Deploy and Manage Cloud Environments with Google Cloud: Challenge Lab - 11552

Task 1: Migrate a stand-alone PostgreSQL database to a Cloud SQL for PostgreSQL instance

  • Practicing lab:

  • In the Google Cloud Console, on the Navigation menu (Navigation menu icon), click Compute Engine > VM instances.

  • In the entry for postgresql-vm, under Connect click SSH. If prompted, click Connect. In the terminal in the new browser window, install the pglogical database extension:

sudo apt install postgresql-13-pglogical
  • Download and apply some additions to the PostgreSQL configuration files (to enable pglogical extension) and restart the postgresql service:
sudo su - postgres -c "gsutil cp gs://cloud-training/gsp918/pg_hba_append.conf ."
sudo su - postgres -c "gsutil cp gs://cloud-training/gsp918/postgresql_append.conf ."
sudo su - postgres -c "cat pg_hba_append.conf >> /etc/postgresql/13/main/pg_hba.conf"
sudo su - postgres -c "cat postgresql_append.conf >> /etc/postgresql/13/main/postgresql.conf"
sudo systemctl restart postgresql@13-main
  • Launch the psql tool:
sudo su - postgres
  • Add the pglogical database extension to the postgres, orders databases.
\c postgres;
\c orders;
  • Create the database migration user, you will create a dedicated user for managing database migration.

  • In psql, enter the commands below to create a new user with the replication role:

\c postgres;
CREATE USER import_admin PASSWORD 'DMS_1s_cool!';
ALTER DATABASE orders OWNER TO import_admin;

Assign permissions to the migration user

  • In this step you will assign the necessary permissions to the import_admin user to enable Database Migration Service to migrate your database.

  • In psql, grant permissions to the pglogical schema and tables for the postgres database.

\c postgres;
GRANT USAGE ON SCHEMA pglogical TO import_admin;
GRANT ALL ON SCHEMA pglogical TO import_admin;
GRANT SELECT ON pglogical.tables TO import_admin;
GRANT SELECT ON pglogical.depend TO import_admin;
GRANT SELECT ON pglogical.local_node TO import_admin;
GRANT SELECT ON pglogical.local_sync_status TO import_admin;
GRANT SELECT ON pglogical.node TO import_admin;
GRANT SELECT ON pglogical.node_interface TO import_admin;
GRANT SELECT ON pglogical.queue TO import_admin;
GRANT SELECT ON pglogical.replication_set TO import_admin;
GRANT SELECT ON pglogical.replication_set_seq TO import_admin;
GRANT SELECT ON pglogical.replication_set_table TO import_admin;
GRANT SELECT ON pglogical.sequence_state TO import_admin;
GRANT SELECT ON pglogical.subscription TO import_admin;
  • In psql, grant permissions to the pglogical schema and tables for the orders database.
\c orders;
GRANT USAGE ON SCHEMA pglogical TO import_admin;
GRANT ALL ON SCHEMA pglogical TO import_admin;
GRANT SELECT ON pglogical.tables TO import_admin;
GRANT SELECT ON pglogical.depend TO import_admin;
GRANT SELECT ON pglogical.local_node TO import_admin;
GRANT SELECT ON pglogical.local_sync_status TO import_admin;
GRANT SELECT ON pglogical.node TO import_admin;
GRANT SELECT ON pglogical.node_interface TO import_admin;
GRANT SELECT ON pglogical.queue TO import_admin;
GRANT SELECT ON pglogical.replication_set TO import_admin;
GRANT SELECT ON pglogical.replication_set_seq TO import_admin;
GRANT SELECT ON pglogical.replication_set_table TO import_admin;
GRANT SELECT ON pglogical.sequence_state TO import_admin;
GRANT SELECT ON pglogical.subscription TO import_admin;
  • In psql, grant permissions to the public schema and tables for the orders database.
\c postgres;
GRANT USAGE ON SCHEMA public TO import_admin;
GRANT ALL ON SCHEMA public TO import_admin;
GRANT SELECT ON public.distribution_centers TO import_admin;
GRANT SELECT ON public.inventory_items TO import_admin;
GRANT SELECT ON public.order_items TO import_admin;
GRANT SELECT ON public.products TO import_admin;
GRANT SELECT ON public.users TO import_admin;
  • Make the import_admin user the owner of the tables in the orders database, so that you can edit the source data later, when you test the migration.

  • In psql, run the following commands:

\c orders;
ALTER TABLE public.distribution_centers OWNER TO import_admin;
ALTER TABLE public.inventory_items OWNER TO import_admin;
ALTER TABLE public.order_items OWNER TO import_admin;
ALTER TABLE public.products OWNER TO import_admin;
ALTER TABLE public.users OWNER TO import_admin;
  • The Database Migration Service requires all tables to be migrated to have a primary key. Once you have granted the user the required privileges, run the following to add a primary key to the inventory_items table and exit psql.
\c orders;
ALTER TABLE public.inventory_items ADD PRIMARY KEY(id);
\c postgres;
ALTER TABLE public.inventory_items ADD PRIMARY KEY(id);

Task 2: Update permissions and add IAM roles to users

  • Practicing lab:

  • To examine a list of roles:

gcloud iam roles list | grep "name:"
  • Assigning Role to a User or a Service Account:
gcloud projects add-iam-policy-binding PROJECT_ID_REPLACE_ME --member user:USER_ID_REPLACE_ME --role=roles/viewer

USER_ID is in email format


Task 3: Create networks and firewalls

  • Practicing lab:

  • Create a new VPC:

gcloud compute networks create taw-custom-network --subnet-mode custom
  • Create a new subnet:
gcloud compute networks subnets create subnet-us-central \
   --network taw-custom-network \
   --region us-central1 \
  • Create new firewall rules: e.g:
gcloud compute firewall-rules create nw101-allow-http-rule \
--allow tcp:22-65535 --network taw-custom-vpc-network --source-ranges \
--target-tags http
gcloud compute firewall-rules create nw101-allow-http-rule \
--allow tcp:3389-65535 --network taw-custom-vpc-network --source-ranges \
--target-tags http
gcloud compute firewall-rules create nw101-allow-http-rule \
--allow icmp-65535 --network taw-custom-vpc-network --source-ranges \
--target-tags http

with customize allow: tcp:0-65535,udp:0-65535,icmp


Task 4: Troubleshoot and fix a broken GKE cluster

  • Practicing lab:

  • To examine a list of roles:

gcloud iam roles list | grep "name:"
  • Assigning Role to a User or a Service Account:
gcloud projects add-iam-policy-binding PROJECT_ID_REPLACE_ME --member user:USER_ID_REPLACE_ME --role=roles/viewer

USER_ID is in email format