This is the challenge that I failed recently, I was so dump.


Write a solution for a store to give change back in the most efficient way. Assuming you have $10, $5, $2 and $1 coins and that the most optimal way to give change back is by always giving the LEAST amount of coins possible, how would you calculate which coins to give me back?

  • Input: (can be hardcoded) will be the amount of coins available for each denomination( for eg. 5 coins of each) and the amount of money you have to give me back.

  • Output: how many coins of each denomination you will give me back ( for eg. 1 of $3, 3 of $5…)

First attempt

public class LeastChangeGiveBackTests {

    Map<Integer, Integer> arrayToMap(Integer[][] coins) {
        Map<Integer, Integer> map = new TreeMap<>(Collections.reverseOrder());
        for (Integer[] coin : coins) {
            map.put(coin[0], coin[1]);
        return map;

    Map<Integer, Integer> getLeastChanges(
        Integer[][] input, Integer change
    ) {
        Map<Integer, Integer> coins = arrayToMap(input);
        Map<Integer, Integer> result = new TreeMap<>(Collections.reverseOrder());

        int sum = 0;
        for (Map.Entry<Integer, Integer> entry : coins.entrySet()) {
            sum += entry.getKey() * entry.getValue();
        if (sum <= change) {
            return result;

        for (Map.Entry<Integer, Integer> entry : coins.entrySet()) {
            int needUnit = change / entry.getKey();
            int remainder = change % entry.getKey();

            if (needUnit > 0 && needUnit <= entry.getValue()) {
                result.put(entry.getKey(), needUnit);
                remainder = change - needUnit * entry.getKey();
            } else if (needUnit > entry.getValue()) {
                result.put(entry.getKey(), entry.getValue());
                remainder = change - entry.getKey() * entry.getValue();
            change = remainder;
            if (remainder == 0) {


        return result;

    void testChangeIsBiggerThan10() {
                new Integer[][]{
                    new Integer[]{10, 2},
                    new Integer[]{5, 1},
                    new Integer[]{2, 2},
                new Integer[][]{
                    new Integer[]{10, 3},
                    new Integer[]{5, 3},
                    new Integer[]{2, 13},
                    new Integer[]{1, 13}
                }, 29)

    void testChangeIsLess10() {
                new Integer[][]{
                    new Integer[]{5, 1},
                    new Integer[]{2, 1},
                }), getLeastChanges(
                new Integer[][]{
                    new Integer[]{10, 3},
                    new Integer[]{5, 3},
                    new Integer[]{2, 13},
                    new Integer[]{1, 13}
                }, 7)

    void testChangeIs1() {
            new Integer[][]{
                new Integer[]{10, 3},
                new Integer[]{5, 3},
                new Integer[]{2, 13},
                new Integer[]{1, 13}
            }, 1), arrayToMap(
            new Integer[][]{
                new Integer[]{1, 1},

    void testChangeIsExceeded() {
            new Integer[][]{
        ), getLeastChanges(
            new Integer[][]{
                new Integer[]{10, 3},
                new Integer[]{5, 3},
                new Integer[]{2, 13},
                new Integer[]{1, 100}
            }, 300));