I have encountered an issue in my current project, I am using blitzjs, which is a full stack approach on top of nextjs, and Ant.design as UI framework.

I have a WARNING in console:

onMouseEnter” was passed to with href of [object Object] but “legacyBehavior” was set. The legacy behavior requires onMouseEnter be set on the child of next/link

1. Code have issue

<Tooltip title="for dummies">
	<Link href={Routes.ShowProductPage({ slug: "for-dummies" })} passHref>
		<Button icon={<EyeOutlined />} type="link"></Button>

2. Solution

  • Create a new component for next/link and antd button
import React from "react";
import Link, { LinkProps } from "next/link";
import { Button, type ButtonProps } from "antd";

type AntdButtonNextLinkProps = LinkProps & Omit<ButtonProps, "href">;

const AntdButtonNextLink = React.forwardRef(
	({ href, children, ...props }: AntdButtonNextLinkProps, ref: any) => {
		return (
			<Link href={href} passHref>
				<Button ref={ref} {...props} type="link">
  • Fix the issue by using the new component
<Tooltip title="for dummies">
		href={Routes.ShowProductPage({ slug: "for-dummies" })}
		icon={<EyeOutlined />}


  1. https://github.com/chakra-ui/chakra-ui/issues/6105